Archived Webinars (available for download):
Ethics for Engineers - 2018
Ethics for Transportation Engineers
Laws & Rules for Florida Engineers
Road Safety Audits - Overview
Highway Safety Manual Overview
Ethics for Transportation Engineers
Laws & Rules for Florida Engineers
Road Safety Audits - Overview
Highway Safety Manual Overview
Here are a few FREE webinars that you can download. These are webinars that I delivered as a part of the Florida DOT District 7 Local Agency Traffic Safety Academy:
Use and Misuse of Crash Modification Factors
The Five E Approach to Safety
Designing and Operating Intersections for Safety
Basics of Traffic Signal Operations
Empirical Bayes Analysis for Safety
District 7 Design Safety Prompt Lists (download the Prompt Lists here)
Use and Misuse of Crash Modification Factors
The Five E Approach to Safety
Designing and Operating Intersections for Safety
Basics of Traffic Signal Operations
Empirical Bayes Analysis for Safety
District 7 Design Safety Prompt Lists (download the Prompt Lists here)
If you would like to receive a certificate for one PDH for these webinars, download the PDH form and return the completed form along with online payment of $5. I am an approved provider of PDH's for Florida P.E.'s. Check with your own state board to determine if these PDH's are accepted by your state.